RE: Re: Whitewall

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 13:20:01 -0400

If I were Broyan, I'd be all over this angle. Tell the story of how the Goddess tried to slay Ernalda's husband. (And if she went after one, she'll go after the rest.) Point to the crop loss, the devestating winter, and let everyone know that not fighting her doesn't mean you will be safe...


On 26 May 2004 at 7:59, Jane Williams wrote:

> There *is* a lot of anti-Lunar fighting in Esrolia in the next few years,
> but that seems to be because Broyan takes his army there.
> Your theory makes sense, *if* the Esrolians know the Lunars are to blame
> for the weather. Lots of possible propaganda issues there!

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