Concrete questions.

From: Christoph Kohring <ChOK_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 09:55:32 +0100

> Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 08:48:39 -0800
> From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
> Subject: Re: [Hero Wars] Re: Esrolia

> If you have concrete questions, ask them.

OK, thanks.

Is Yelmalio still a consort ("husband-protector") of Ernalda in Esrolia? Who is Yelmalio's wife in Dragon Pass? In the River of Cradles? Is it (still) Ernalda?

Vinga seems to be included in Storm Tribe and not in Thunder Rebels: so she's not a subcult of Orlanth Adventurous after all?

Is Axe Hall on the Shadow Plateau a site holy to Babeester Gore? What happens there?

Why haven't the Tarsh Exiles been conquered by the Lunar Empire and/or Tarsh? Do men still worship Maran Gor as in RQIII? How many Exiles worship Orlanth? 85% as usual?!

Who or what is Sorana Tor? What is her relationship to Maran Gor who is barren whereas Sorana Tor is not? What is her relationship to the Lady of the Wild (Tara?) if any? To Kero Fin? To the Feathered Horse Queen?

What is Engiziland? Another name for Kerofinela?!?

I'll stop here, else I could go on and on for hours!

Christoph, lankohring

P.S.: Just two more small ones: did the Aramites in some way replace the trolls on the Broken Council? (I understand that they weren't "Tuskers" at that time, but they already had some darkness connection, didn't they?) Who replaced the dragonewts in the ritual to build Osentalka?

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