The road to shamanism?

From: bethexton_at_...
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 19:08:20 -0000

I realize that this is bound to vary by culture, but I'm looking for some general guidance here, of the "most animistic cultures mostly do it this way" sort.

Are most eventual shamans identified by existing shamans at a young age (while still just spiritists), and so only become practioners of the "shamanic" spirit, or do most become practioners of some other spirit first, decide that they are pulled to the route of a shaman, then try to find out if they have the right stuff, take on the practice of the shamanic cult, etc.

Where this is applicable to playing HQ is, given that you are supposed to start with only one specialized magic key word, if you are a practioner of a "shamanic" spirit, you won't be a practioner of the "typical" spirit for your profession/age/gender. Of course a hero who's basic idea is to become a shaman is apt to want to belong to a 'shamanic' spirit, since that ensures that they have a fetch that can be woken, and that they are learning the right skills in order to be able to awaken their fetch. I'm wondering how normal this would be.

(On the other hand, one character concept that I think would be fun
in the right campaign is a grazer follower of Folorene, who becomes more independant of his culture, eventually joining Granval
(spelling? THe independant shamanic practice in dragon pass). After
all, both of those spirits have certain "anti-social" practices :) The deeper idea would be to create a new path for other grazers looking to leave the rigid confines of their culture. Anyway, again I wonder how common it would be to find your shamanic calling later in life)



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