Re: Paying the Lunar Army

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_...>
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2004 17:58:58 -0000

> > 3) Many literate officers find it much easier to pay the
> > soldiers a token amount while keeping the remainder
> > in a chest to be paid when the soldier retires. More
> > enterprising officers find ways to spend that chest so
> > to have money left over.
> In the Roman legions, that money was banked 'with the standards'
> meant
> (a) it was protected by the guardian spirits of the Legions
> (b) it was in the hands of career NCOs, not the officers.

I'm sure that there are many many many ways that enterprising officers and NCOs pocket some of the pay (frex, pay is probably made under the assumption that a unit is at full strength - since most are understrength, the extra pay is pocketed by someone).

One thing I have been thinking about is the possibility that the Sartarite tribal tribute is underwritten by wealthy entrepreneurs (presumably affiliated with Etyries). They provide the Governor-  with a negotiated amount cash and actually collect the tribute - pocketing the difference. Then they turn around and sell the tribute (mostly cows, sheep, grain, furs, etc.) back to the soliders. That is the most lucrative trading operation in Dragon Pass and is almost completely in the hands of the Etyries cult!

I wonder if Gold-Gotti is involved at all in that racket.....


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