RE: Re: Gathering thunder/Sky ship (spoiler ?)

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 07:25:45 +0100

> >> (sigh) all we needed was a 200-page scenario book, and it would
> all have
> > been in there. Including the bit where you get to steal from an
> orphanage.
> Uh, can you explain a little more about that last one?:-)

It never got fleshed out, but we were having the players find Clues, and realising that they needed the equivalent of a manual to understand them. Only a *simple* one, because they're Orlanthi trying to understand DH dragon myths. So they needed a kiddie's primer to DH mythology. Where do you get one? You find a Lunar/DH orphanage, and rob the library.

Just one of many things that never got fleshed out - as I say, a 200-page book *might* have done the job. Some of the missing bits may yet turn up in later volumes.

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