Re: Gathering thunder/Sky ship (spoiler ?)

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 19:47:22 +0100

Jane wrote:

>Ah yes, that was one of the other bits that got cut, wasn't it? The various
>minor quests where the PCs run round finding all the required myths. If they
>can't glue them together, Minaryth will do it for them. His summary speech
>is about all that got left of this :(
>(sigh) all we needed was a 200-page scenario book, and it would all have
>been in there.

Of course, one has to be realistic about page counts, and cut a huge scenario down to size. However, the more I hear about it, the more it seems that the good stuff was cut out to make room for the mediocre to poor stuff, rather than the reverse. There are some great scenarios in Gathering Thunder, but Ship of the Sky isn't one of them IMO, and that's a pity.

Gamer and Skeptic

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