Re: Re: Earth to earth

From: Jennifer Geard <geard_at_...>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 17:08:53 +1200

I wrote:
> >If Orlanth gives us wind spirits that collect the smoke from our cooking
> >fires
> >and store it in stable, easily-removed smoke balls in the rafters, thus
> >freeing us from the need for chimneys...

And Paul May replied:
> Anyone know what those balls can be used for? Are they strong enough to
> be used as marbles? :) Can I use them for the fire equivalent of
> thunderstones?

I guess the key question here is whether they have a consistency more like marbles or snowballs. Either way they'd be fun for children to play with, but the games could be rather different.

"Get your new, improved wind spirit here: squeezes those smokeballs small so you can go a whole year without sweeping the rafters, and if any of the balls do happen to fall they won't puff lampblack all over whatever's below." I can still see steadwives cleaning the rafters before having important guests to dinner, just so no one gets a smokeball on the head. And children collecting them so they can play tricks.

Do scribes send tinker-traders to the places with the cleanest fuel and purest smokeballs to collect them for certain sorts of ink-making? Do Mostali gather them, and also the saltpetre from the long-drop? With a really efficient wind-spirit, could you make sparkly jewels for children? (I'm thinking jet more than diamond.)


Jennifer Geard

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