RE: Earth to earth

From: ALISON PLACE <alison_place_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 07:53:44 -0700 (PDT)

> What do Eskimos do? It's one of those practical
> questions.

     Inuit had a couple of other techniques. For a quick pee inside the snowhouse, esp. if you're male, just roll over on the snow bench that you're sleeping on and pee onto the bench. Pee just melts into the bench, and freezes out of sight.

     Doing a #2 called for much more caution. The dogs were generally ravenous. If they were loose (commonly, they were), you find a convenient drift to back up against, do your business, and get out of the way of the dogs very quickly afterwards. Likewise, a pee outside required making sure that the dogs had no chance to go for any tender, pink flesh. (Last thing you did when breaking camp was let the dogs into the snowhouse.)

     Children wore trousers that had a slit that would automatically spread open when they squatted. The equivalent of short pants to long pants for youngsters was when the slit was sewn up.

     Heortlings are not likely to get to use any of these methods, though!




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