RE: Cool stuff and NPCs

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 21:05:56 +0100

> The Uroxi with an Iron Greatsword seems to think its really
> good. It doubles the bonus of the weapon and adds 1/10 of
> the weapons magical rating if it has one. So if the
> greatsword had a bit of a personality - e.g The Raiding Sword
> 5W then the weapon would add +5+5(for being iron)+3(for being
> magic) to give a bonus of +13 for the greatsword - a huge
> incentive to use it on top of your 10W skill.

That does sound quite convincing. Let me look back at the example I worked through at the time - my Humakti PC and her (bronze) sword. What would happen it if was iron?

It's a sword - +3
It has Gifts on it which add up to either +10 or +20 depending on circumstances.

Assuming she's all prepared, her magic augments take her up about another +10 or so (varies depending on what's appropriate and whether she rolled for them).

So that's +23 to her own skill plus other augments, as is.

If it was iron?
+6, not +3. Add 1/10 of its own magical rating, another +1 (wow!) So we're four up. Total of 27.
But, her own magic is down by the total bonus of the sword. From (say) 1W average to 6 or thereabouts. So no magical augment - there goes that +10. Total of 17.

She's perfectly capable of resisting enemy magic herself. Unless there's some iron removing her own magical skills...

Thanks, but she's sticking to bronze.

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