RE: Cool stuff and NPCs

From: Stephen McGinness <stephenmcg_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 22:37:50 +0100

> it. And the total was +13... Try working it out for the same greatsword
> with the same stats but made of bronze.

Whoops - you're right I was still on with th greatsword AND the armour! Like you say - not as hard...

> -10 is a nicer number to do sums with, it means all other magical
> augments drop by 1, exactly, if you use automatic augments. You're +5 up
> due to the iron. If you use three afffinities and two other magical
> widgets, and they've been dropped by 1 each, you break even. Whether
> it's worth it depends on how much magic you tend to use, I suspect. We
> tend to use the "SWAT Team" approach when we really want the opponent
> dead, with everyone putting their magic onto one target.

Yeah. I guess that's the case - the extra the Uroxi was recieving from the iron was more than he was getting from his magic. It simply boosted his combat effectiveness and it was immediately available rather than having to prepare in advance.

> But now remember that that -10 also applies to the healer who's trying
> to put you back together (unless you're Humakti, and that's geased out
> of bounds already). And that magic can be used directly, not just as a
> augment.

A definite combat factor but it's easy to get rid of the weapon if necessary - not so much if its armour. :-)

> Dunno. Overall, it may be worth it. But it's much less "Wow, iron, he's
> hard!" than it used to be. So I'll be using RR's quiet delete of a
> sentence, and let Glorantha carry on unchanged.

I think just ignoring the magic effect makes iron a bit too effective for me - weapons are a very good deal to begin with - doubling the bonus makes them twice as good.

Anyway - Jane and I essentially agree about the iron.

Anyone kitted out some major NPCs with cool stuff?? Wanna share?


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