Re: Flying fighters?

From: Keith Nellist <Labrygon_at_...>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 06:53:34 -0000

> OK, who's *not* thinking "Monkey!" at this point? The Helerings
> leaping down from their clouds shouting "Hwooahhhh!"!
> :)

I am always thinking "Monkey!". A great source for Heroquest feats and excitement. There are some great websites out there. I was going to use some episodes for a Kingdom of Ignorance campaign but moved to Australia instead. Excellently crazy kingdoms run by demons and witches, vampires and spirits which Monkey, Sandy and Pigsy negotiate (OK, and tripitaka)

If you missed it in the States, or anywhere else, I would recommend trying to find a way f seeing at least one episode. Keith

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