Re: Re: Flying fighters?

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 18:33:17 -0700

> Speed racer crap? Even the theme song (a ska cover classic)? Geez,

Yep. Sorry.

> next thing you are going to say is Star Blazers sucked! Or even
> worse, you will blaspheme against Ultraman!

Now, that I cannot do. Not because I wouldn't love to, but because I've never seen any of it! BTW, did I mention that I spent a third of my life without easy access to TV ? :-O I actually saw Speed and the gang over at a friend's house. Sunday we'd go to my Grandmother's and watch westerns and stuff like "It's about Time" (now *there*'s a Theme Song!) I *did* see The Prisoner in first run, though I was too young to appreciate it...

It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.
- Richelieu

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