Re: Re: Shields

From: Stephen Tempest <e-g_at_...>
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2004 19:45:10 +0100

Nick Eden <nick_at_...> writes:

>But even when forced into battle in the open Mobility magic will still
>come into play: A mass of cavalry charges down, the filthy barbarians
>use their magic to scatter and then hit the cavalry in the rear when
>they're in disarray after the charge.

Yes but... the barbarians are using mobility magic to run away, but presumably the cavalry are using mobility magic augmented by their mounts' Run Fast to chase them... my money's still on the cavalry.

And let's face it, what kind of cavalry god or spirit is *not* going to be handing out "ride fast", "ride like the wind", etc powers? Grazers even have "Gallop through Sky" spirits, so they can follow the Heortlings even if they go airborne...

(Although a Heortling Rules Lawyer 5W2 might counter-argue 'I'm not in the Sky, I'm in the Middle Air...")


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