Re: Re: Spare Lunar armour

From: donald_at_...
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 21:17:54 GMT

In message <20040910181623.49838.qmail_at_...> ALISON PLACE writes:
> OK, let's assume you're running anti-lunar guys,
>probably Heortling.

> So, you really don't want to draw any possible
>connections to the fact that Lunar troops have gone
>missing, you were in the region, and now you have
>armour to sell. Even years later, there would
>probably be enough personal ID marks on some of this
>stuff (built-in foci, decorations, distinctive damage)
>that it might be traced back to a particular trooper.
>The fence (or, worse, honest merchant) found with this
>stuff in his or her possession, if suspected, will be
>put to the question, and *will* talk.

I doubt if the Lunars are going to bother with anything as sophisticated as this. They're an army of occupation - if soldiers disappear, they'll hold the nearest clan responsible, burn a stead or two and visit the clan chief in force to tell them to make sure it doesn't happen again.

> However, suppose you had actually caught the bastards
>trying to assault your women, or some other heinous
>action. Just quietly burying the bodies; that's
>murder. No, go ahead and have some fun: claim
>justifiable homicide. Take the authorities to court!
>Find and use their own laws against them! Have your
>elders impress on the Lunars the poor light this puts
>them in, and the increase in their local reputation if
>they're willing to give honest judgement against
>themselves. (This would actually be the downside, as
>far as you're concerned, but most of the locals will
>probably just chortle over how you put one over on the

Except that Heortlings generally don't have the right to be heard in Lunar courts, they have to be Lunar citizens for that so their first job is to find a citizen who's prepared to bring their case.

I'm not sure what the legal system is in occupied Sartar but as an idea I see four separate strands -

  1. The traditional clan and tribal based legal system dealing with disputes between bloodlines and clans.
  2. Military tribunals dealing with crimes against the occupation. This is the one Heortling PCs are going to encounter when they come to the attention of the authorities.
  3. A courts martial for Lunar soldiers accused of crimes, while severe against soldiers who break discipline its going to be heavily biased against 'barbarian' witnesses who allege crimes against locals.
  4. The Lunar court system which allows Lunar citizens to have cases referred there rather than be subject to local law and courts. Heortling PCs are generally not going to encounter this unless they try and take legal action against a Lunar citizen and look as if they might win locally. Then it gets referred to the nearest Lunar court - there may be one in Boldhome otherwise it'll be Furthest. Should be good fun when the PCs are asked to swear oaths on the Red Goddess and such like.

> Given the litigious nature of Heortlings in general,
>this shouldn't be an unlikely notion. The very fact
>that you felt sufficiently justified to declare the
>killings lawful, and made them public, may discourage
>the Lunars from taking any precipitous steps against
>you or your kin. Our lot has done this at least three
>times (I'll grant not for killings). Summon up the
>spirits, force them to testify! If any of them got
>away, watch the Lunars have to accuse their own. If
>all goes well, you can attend *their* crucifixions.
>Not only might you be able to claim the armour as a
>just penalty, but possibly other concessions as well.
> Suppose the Lunar judge comes down with some
>wishy-washy justification that troop's actions were
>misinterpreted. And the survivors (if any) were
>mysteriously transferred back to the Heartlands before
>they could be arrested for trial.

Firstly not enough evidence as to the individuals involved, "Even if we accept your claim you can't identify the individuals with any certainty". Then they've got alibis from other members of the unit or they were only following orders. And the worst punishment likely is to be transferred to a Danfive Xaroni punishment regiment which just happens to be stationed near the PCs tula.

>No problem -
>another grievance to lay on the pile; yet more tinder
>for the revolution!


> This has wandered somewhat from 'what do I do with
>spare armour'. However, it's so much more fun to get
>the Lunars to kill their own, that I heartily
>recommend it!

If you can, I reckon the system's heavily against the PCs on this one unless they can swing some heavy Lunar support. Do 'em good to have to cultivate relationships with Lunars though.

Donald Oddy

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