
From: Svechin_at_...
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 23:38:10 EST

Mark writes:
> I certainly agree that Exotics are not of the same order - this is a

> scaleable system, after all. OK, so a Superhero's counter also includes his
> or her personal band, but essentially we're probably talking only 50 or so
> extraordinary individuals, so 100-200 for FMC etc seems fair enough.

Agreed. The Full Moon Corps is composed of Vecors of slain Imperial War Heroes who have volunteered to come back from the heavenly existence they enjoy on the surface of Rufelza to aid the Emperor in his Imperial duty. The FMC is formed from very powerful rituals that are performed by the Imperial College of Magic. There are more than two FMC units available BTW, during the wars shown in DP the game, the Empire was also in a life and death struggle with the Pentans and with Fronelan forces. Much, most in fact, of its army never appears in the DP region, it is committed elsewhere. This fact should always be born in mind when thinking of the rotation of Imperial forces through the DP region over say a 20 year spell.

The average Imperial unit is supposedly based on the 1000 man regiment system and half that for cavalry. However, operational reasons dictate otherwise. Usually one company, century, division etc of the unit stays in its depot city and serves as the depot company and guardian of the unit temple or shrine. The invalids of the unit are often serving in this company as are all the hardiest trainers and men who are too old to campaign but have not retired from active service to claim their Vero (land grant).

Add to this the problems of maintaining manpower and training time and its pretty obvious that a unit deployed in the DP region will not be at full strength after a year or so, even with low levels of combat. Throw in a couple of battles into the equation and suddenly you could be looking at very low numbers indeed.

Martin Laurie

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