RE: Re: Kinslaying (another question)

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 03:05:33 +0100

Again you shine your light clear and strong! Thanks John!
Confirms the motivations of these characters IMG.

"Burning Wind Women ... raided the Place of Bronze during the last days of the Righteous Wind"
- happening next Thursday IMG. During the funeral of one of *my* Harvar's two daughters.

Jenesta has had another vision and some information from inside the city: she saw her heroband attack the palace of bronze during a somber ceremony; she saw her death and Priya taking up her spear, the Burning Wind Guardian Spear, the mantle of BWW leadership, she saw Priya's destiny.

Can't write too much more here; the players could read it!

But Harvar's had a vision too: his prodigal daughter come home with death in her eyes!

I almost have the BWW finished, now to compose the Bigger Wind. Hmmm, tricky.

Thanks again, John for the invaluable insights (this thread and your 'Yelmalian/Orlanthi Clans' one)

-----Original Message-----
From: John Hughes [mailto:john.hughes_at_...] Sent: 21 September 2004 02:06
Subject: Re: Re: Kinslaying (another question)

Matt struggles with Harvar's offspring. Don't we all. :)......

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