Re: Re: Literacy and Karse

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 17:25:31 -0400

Huh. Just because it isn't run by Durulz (although there is a shanty town of Durulz refugees, which is probably going to get burned out by the Lunars), doesn't mean the idea of Issaries Rex never appeared in human culture. Hell, Sartar was a hero of Issaries, wasn't he? (even if not necessarily an initiate)

And if you consider the trader princes to have some kind of Issaries/Malkioni hybrid, then Issaries as the ruling merchant god works. And hell, if Argan Argar is both the Troll god of trade and the God of Troll Empires, it's a short jump to Issaries Rex.

That might be a very interesting way to make Karse unique.

I'll have to consider that.


On 21 Sep 2004 at 22:11, Jane Williams wrote:  

> FWIW (not much) IMG there *is* an Issaries Rex cult.
> In Duck Point. It's the Durulz variant, with Sartar as
> its greatest hero. The Staff being the symbol of Law
> and Rulership and stuff - the symbol of Trade is of
> course the paddle.
> But Karse is not (AFAIK) run by Durulz, so this may
> not help.

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