Re: literacy

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 00:50:57 -0000

> Huh?:-)

In plain English, I think Tarshite should sound to a Sartarite like a thickly-accented form of Sartarite, whether it's spoken in the Far Point or over in Lunar Tarsh. I don't believe (for all sorts of game related reasons) that it should be as different as the "Manirian" vs. "Pelorian" Theyalan language groups idea makes it seem.

When I were a lad (he says: it obviously hasn't worn off yet), there were some great translations of Aristophanes' Greek comedies which rendered the Spartans' distinctive Dorian Greek dialect as either Yorkshire or Scottish. Tha's aboot as far apaht as Ah'd want Saartarite  and Taarshite to be.

IYSWIM. Cheers, Nick

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