Describe your campaign. What are people playing these days?

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:59:46 +0100

In no more than three sentences, describe the game/campaign you narrate/play in?

I narrate one game and play in two others; we take turns between the three campaigns. All three with the same group.

My Game (two or three sessions away from the climax of season 1) Echoes of the Wyrms Friends
Set in the Far Place, the heroes are nearly all members of the Tresdarnii Clan and live in Ironspike. The main antagonists are Duke Harvar "Ironfist" and a strange little man they know as Vork (who has been stealing bodies from their urnfield and turning clanspeople into undead). Recently they were arrested while in Alda Chur paying their clan taxes and they are currently awaiting execution for terrorist crimes.

Jamie's Game
My character, Bolat, swam to shore during the Ceremony of Blue Coral in Seapolis, he had no memory of his life before being in the Mirrorsea and arrived hairless and naked. Since then the Lunars have tried to use him and assassinate him but, due to his new friendships and half-remembered mystic skills, they have failed. Recently Bolat and his friends (amongst whom are members of the guys trying to bring back the old Pharonic Navy, Pelaskan spirit folk and a member of the Capratis family) took the heropath to Ironfort on a mission for the Pharonic Admiral, hastened the arrival of the Lunar Fleet (oops!) and killed an important dolphin (at his own request!).

Spooney's Game
I play Gral, a Votanki shaman and prophet of the Bear Cult of Tsukan; he and his divine companion, a huge grizzly called Sooty, have joined up with a disparate group of individuals who represent a weird cross-section of anti-lunar interests in Balazar. Gral's vision foretold them joining forces and now they quest to find Tsukan so that the power of the Soul Claws can be brought back.

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