Re: Building a Better Bird Base

From: Jennifer Geard <geard_at_...>
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 16:57:51 +1300

> > > I need to do a re-write. I have a published story that starts
> > > in the Humakt Nochet temple, at dawn! Aargh!

Cool response. :-)

1. it wasn't central to the story so it didn't get recorded, or 2. it's the way things used to be done 300 years ago, but no one bothers about it these days, or
3. incorporate it into the next iteration of your story and start putting version numbers on your writings.

I've started versioning my stories, but most are sketches or bits of background for a particular purpose and don't get beyond "the first telling".

> > Well, since the Humakti temple in Nochet that the dawn Kata
> > was happening in
> > was based on the one in your story, I think that's only fair :)

> Oh. In that case my wish to have read your bit before writing mine is
> somewhat futile :(

Hey, _I_ didn't know about that story until today (haven't found a copy but have now heard the summary). It turns out that Steve's the only person who's had access to both our resources.

> Maybe the mass kata happened just *before* the start of my story?

Option 1 above.


Jennifer Geard

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