Re: Building a Better Bird Base

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 10:00:01 +1000

Jane Williams wrote:

>Or *is* it the future we're looking at?

You may be very close to liberation :)

>That sounds contradictory to me. What do you mean by "reincarnation", if
>not a soul being "freed" from one body and then inhabiting the next one?

I'm thinking of the Lesser Vehicle idea of reincarnation involving neither personality nor soul, but something like a flame jumping from wick to wick. Basically its a kind of 'patterning' involving homeland recognition and 'life stones' which a person ritually creates then secretly buries (or in Tlon, stores in the Temple of Ten Million Ancestors, which is right next door to the Temple of Sixty Billion Descendants). This idea of the use and misuse of life stones is becoming a central idea to the whole setup.

>How do you plan on using the various HQ magic systems for this universe,

I plan on using modified HQ with some modified PDF/Katabasis opposed traits. I won't be using cults as such, but more basic 'ways' which then involve a variety of gods and practices (way of wealth, way of family, way of ecstasy, way of power etc.)

Big project. Much cud in the chewing. Much fun :)


nysalor_at_...                     John Hughes

... a flying arrow, a crashing wave, night old ice, a coiled snake, a bride's bed talk, a broken sword, the play of bears, a king's son.

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