Re: Moon Boat questions

From: Victor Lane <thelhf_at_...>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 01:59:35 -0700

Jane Williams wrote:

>>On the other hand, the section in ILH, Vol 1 describes them very
>>differently from the picture on Strangers In Prax. The ILH
>>says they are
>>made from reeds and have sails. Strangers In Prax shows it
>>made of wood with no sails.
>This is pure speculation and an innate desire to reconcile conflicting
>sources whereever possible - but could the SiP picture show a Moonboat
>made of (magical) reeds but covered with wood for protection, and with
>its sails furled and masts unstepped, since it's landed?
>For those who don't have SiP, Google found me a copy of the cover here
>A bit fuzzy, but you should get the idea.

I thought of the wood covering idea. The unstepped masks is a cool idea. Perhaps the sails furl out from the silver points on either end of the boat? Silver sails, of course. The SiP cover doesn't show it, but I would think the Moonboats have windows you can open in the hull to fire arrows out of. Imagine flying a mobile archer platform right over the enemy lines and open fire from above. And the fun the boiling oil. . . Of course, then you have to worry about flying enemies boarding the boat. I remember reading somewhere that Moonboats are still rare enough that they are not used in combat if it can be helped.


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