Re: Greg on Babeester Gor

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 10:44:16 +0200 (EET)

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Greg Stafford wrote:

> At 07:28 AM 1/18/2001 +0200, you wrote:
> >So, in a sense, Babeester Gor's followers are now even more cut off
> >from their fellow man than devotees of Humakt?
> Yes.
> Disadvantages: Members are so singularly dedicated to the cult that they
> are cut off from most other society. Members do not even take part in many
> of the otherwise obligatory annual ceremonies, especially any whose
> objective is pleasure, fertility or light.

These are some scary ladies! "Where Daimons of Storm fear to tread..."

> >Greg, how marginalized is her following then? Are the Axemaidens of BG
> >even rarer than _swords_ of Humakt?
> I think so.

Oh dear. What kind of people take up this life? In fact, is it so that the goddess calls to some people. It sure doesn't seem like a lifepath a heortling woman would choose on her own.

> >Do these women return to normal life
> >eventually, or is taking up BG:s axe a permanent thing?
> It is possible.
> But I think most people would join one of the Maran Gor fighting cults if
> they wanted to rejoin life.
> Erantha Gor is practically a duplicate of what I used to think the BG cult
> was about.

Ah, so she is the fierce fighter, that still has lovers and even children? Are both goddesses children of Ernalda? Are the elite fighters of Esrolia followers of Babeester Gor or Erantha Gor?

> As for not even getting the touch of healing: yep. That is right.
> Of course, other BG cultists can heal them, even with touch, since that is
> the touch of the Goddess.
> But to get healed by anyone else is considered to be a touch of failure on
> the part of the BG cultist.

In the name of Orlanth Stormfather...

        -Mikko, the Adept : impressed and slightly shocked

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