Re: Birthdays?

From: bethexton_at_...
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 15:18:41 -0000

Good point! I seem to recall that some earthly culture (and likely more than one), counts age starting nine months before birth. Conceivably the Heortlings could do the same, or start count from the quickening. Or it may vary by clan :)

What I can see happening at the quickening is the pregnant mother making personal sacrifices to the ancestors, Ernalda, or even Kero Finn, thanking them for the baby and asking them to keep it safe.

I think I agree with a lot of the other posters who say the naming day makes sense. Once the baby has survived until birth and a few days afterwards, then it is considered a succesful birth. Maybe the naming day would be the next holy day to Ernalda or Orlanth (depending on the gender) after the child is seven days old, or something like that.

At the same time, you know how babies are very, well, sleepy sort of for their first couple of weeks or so? I wonder if in Glorantha that transition from newborn that can barely suckle and is losing weight and is largely inert, to more active baby showing more vigor and hunger (and making more noise) is attributed to something? Orlanth's breathe entering the baby, the soul finally getting fully attached? This event isn't an easily marked one like some of the others, but it is probably when one would consider that the baby will probably survive.



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