Dissertation and Claims

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 18:39:16 -0600 (CST)

My Dear Friends,

At the risk of offending everyone by violating the rules of this list...

> From: "zomben" <zomben_at_...>


> Personally, I would _love_ to read _one_ dissertation on Jehovah's
> witnesses by -our- Greg Stafford...

I find the fundamentalism of the JW to be one of the most distressing things in the modern world. When people take spiritual works to be literal interpretations of events the end result is almost always damaging to the social fabric in which they live. The wave of fundamentalism sweeping our world today--whether Christian, Pagan, Islamic or Scientific--is doing terrible damage to the societies in which the practitioners live, to each other, and to the world in general. We need to recognize the value of the spiritual messages of the Great Religions as mythological, not literal, and srive to create the world which allows us to develop into true spiritual beings.

NOW, having done the forbidden, I am going to BEG everyone to NOT respond to this list in a like manner. If you HAVE to respond, please feel free to contact me privately off list, where I may or may not respond.

> From: "Jane Williams" <janewilliams20_at_...>

> I believe the "real" one claims to be an Arkati Trickster. Does that
> help?

To which I feel compelled to respond that I have NEVER made that claim myself, though neither have I denied it.

So, please everyone, accept three things on this solstice celebratory time:

1. My thanks for your support and enjoyment of Glorantha;
2. Your entertaining and educational discussions on this list; and
3. My sincere wishes to you all to have a joyous holiday in whatever
manner you choose to spend it.

Greg Stafford

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