Re: Social Cult Ranks or Devotees vs Initiates

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 19:31:28 -0000

I tend to rely more on personality and roleplaying to decide how to go. There is a natural deference to a devotee on the piety scale but how much that will cut the mustard with a given Initiate is entirely based on the Initiate in question. For example, Kallyr Starbrow is an Initiate and I don't think my Devotee of Hedkoranth could tell her to go and fetch him another flaggon of mead or whatever. I'd like to see him try!!! ;^)

No, I think social standing *is* more important, in social situations. I think a lot of tribal kings may actually be Initiates due to there many other duties for example.

In magical situations people *may* look to the highest ranking/older/more renowned devotee. But beware of the Kallyr factor (mentioned above). Also the Initiate Priest may pull rank as well...

Oh, its just like the real world isn't it??


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