MotS: Karse and Refuge

From: Ian Young <Ian_at_...>
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2005 05:35:31 -0000

I have here in my shiny new hands one hot little copy of Men of the Sea. Me likey. I wish there was more on Kareeshtu and Afadjann, but me likey muchly. I have a couple of questions that some of you may be able to help me with here.

I'm currently running a HeroQuest game over on, starting at Ronegarth, working downstream on the Zola Fel, and eventually we might well make our way over to the Holy Country, either overland or by sea.  All this ties into a couple of tantalisingly brief mentions in MotS about Karse and Refuge.

Now, Karse is the Gloranthan incorporation of Carse, the old Midkemia Press city book, which I happen to have right here. Also, Refuge is the Gloranthan incorporation of Sanctuary, the city from the Thieves' World boxed set (and anthologies), which I also happen to have right here. I realise that I don't have to be too terribly pedantic here, but is anyone here aware of the correspondences of certain background elements and characters from these supplements? In particular:

Old Race of Carse = ? (old Esrolians?)
Kingdom folk of Carse = ? (Heortlings?)
Prince Kadakithis of Sanctuary = ?
Hellhounds of Sanctuary = ?

I obviously have a hunch on the first two, but the last two stump me a little. I assume that they should be Lunars, but where I've read of the Lunar occupation of Karse, there's no mention of the Lunars taking Refuge. Also, my campaign is taking place c.1618 ST, a little over a year prior to the Lunar naval siege of Karse.

Thanks in advance,

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