Re: Re: Heortling Temples (Long!)

From: Stephen Tempest <e-g_at_...>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 12:45:10 +0000

"Jane Williams" <janewilliams20_at_...> writes:

>Interestingly enough, some reading I was doing a few years back suggests
>that many ancient RW churches are sited on a confluence of leylines.
>Mind you, some other reading suggests that putting a big stone building
>on a spot will attract leylines to it...

[mode=godlearner-type rationalist]

As I understand it, most "ley-lines" are combinations of ancient roads ("old straight tracks") and alignments of standing stones, tumuli, etc - which if they are built in a straight line across the landscape, imply that there was once a communication route connecting them.

Obviously, then, the place where several leylines meet would be a prehistoric road junction... a centre of settlement or community hub. As well as the usual facilities to be found there, it's likely there'd be a temple or holy site as well.

Once the Christians came along, they usually built their churches on the site of pagan shrines in order to appropriate the worshippers (and the sacred energy) for themselves - hence why churches are often at meetings of leylines.

31st century archeologists will doubtless speculate about the sacred and mythic qualities we 21st-century people ascribed to Spaghetti Junction...


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