Re: What the Dragon Said

From: Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 10:44:55 -0000

Just briefly to chip in on the whole 'who's afraid of dragons' issue. Regardless of whether it's in the keyword, of whether the players chose it for their character and whether it's just at 17 when they may also have Brave 5W or whatever, IMO Fear Dragons is not going to be the key ability involved at this point anyway.

What is? I'd say the dragon's own *$!_at_% Terrifying 1W4 or whatever, augmented by its Large, it's Mouth Big Enough to Eat an Army... oh yes, and +2 from Fear Dragons 17 ;-)

Remember, in GT, the resistance to overcome just the *thought* of going and seeing the dragon is 10W3.

Personally, I'd say that the only reason even such powerful figures as Orlaront and Kallyr can go through with it is because they have been preparing for it and have big relationships and the like to draw on.

(Even a Kralori, who loves and reveres dragons, is probably also going to be terrified by the thought of encountering one)

All the best


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