RE: Re: Fearing Dragons

From: donald_at_...
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 21:50:02 GMT

In message <20050220191156.NIWG15415.aamta01-winn.mailhost.ntl.com_at_master> "Jane Williams" writes:

>Now, can you also explain why she feels it necessary to start a fight
>before leaving the Ship, rather than just jumping off?
>So far my meta-game explanation is that someone wanted a contrived
>method of killing off a NPC.

To show how what happens on the Hero plane affects the real world There also may be a plot reason why Andrega gets thrown of the ship as well. Another possibility is it's a way of giving a big fight to those players who expect a big fight at the end of each adventure.

>And the nearest in-game explanation I have is along the lines of
>"oh no, not again, who let her out without a keeper?"

Assuming there is some kind of feud between Kallyr and Andrega, I reckon Kallyr was holding back until it didn't interfere with her mission. I don't think she's quite as single minded as she appears at times and the sensible decision isn't always the one she takes.

Donald Oddy

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