Re: Quick morality question for heortling

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 20:35:40 -0000

> Next question for the greybeards: homosexual relations - if they
> within the clan, how is that seen, given one is supposed to look
> outside the clan for spouses...?

Am I allowed to answer that without benefit of beard?

The various types of marriage all go on about the status of the *children*. That's what matters in a Heortling marriage. The only exception seems to be the "Love-wife/husband" one - a vow of monogamy for its own sake. There, the vow is what matters.

Two people can have relations without being married, of course - in fact, it's common.

I suspect that as long as your homosexual couple don't somehow manage to have children, and don't break any vows, what they get up to doesn't matter all that much. They'll be seen as weird, sure, but they're unlikely to have anyone trying to sue/kill them.

Though it occurs to me that they could *adopt* children - and at that point I assume all the usual rules of marriage would apply.

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