Re: Digest Number 1999

From: simonbrayuk_at_...
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 16:05:07 EST


In a message dated 24/02/2005 21:02:41 GMT Standard Time, writes:

Message: 20
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 18:41:31 -0000
From: "Jane Williams" <janewilliams20_at_...> Subject: Nandan?

> >Nandan ("the birthing man") I'm less sure of. Unless you separate
> >enjoyment of sex from the end result of a child?


> According to ST they can't give birth although earlier
> writeups made it a major HQ for Nandani used only when a clan
> is desperate for children.

It must have been those earlier write-ups I was thinking of, then. Nandan as the cult for men who take up occupations (and religious roles) normally reserved for women, but who remain (physically/biologically) men works for me, and makes it the equivalent of Vinga, as has been said.

I'm not aware of any correlation between people wanting to take up cross-gender occupations, and homosexuality - anyone else? I know there's rumour/slander etc on the subject, but are there any facts?

Surely a Nandan man is the perfect sexual partner for a Vingan Woman, once she has had the baby he is in a role which allows him to raise it and let her get on with Troll Slaying :-D  


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