
From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 08:16:52 -0000

> If Heortlings have reliable contraception, (and reasonably
> frequent deaths in childbirth) I can see a proportion of
> women choosing not to have children. I think GAG suggests
> that the Vingans at least have reliable contraception - is that right?

The current writeup is silent on the subject, with the exception of the Red Woman subcult (where fertility is given to Ernalda - 100% reliability until you ask for it back). It could be said that this implies that all other sub-cults *don't* get the infertility, but let's take a look at the details.

The Red Woman sub-cult is a joint sub-cult of Vinga and Ernalda, the latter being for "temporary" Vingans who join up for a specific task of vengeance. They swear the Red Vows, then are released from them and get their fertility back when they leave.

If they decide to "go permanent", they can't get their fertility back.

If a "permanent Vingan" (an ordinary one) decides to join this sub-cult, they do not have to swear the Red Vows (unless they want the Secret). If they do, they may never regain their fertility from Ernalda.

It does *not* say that the "ordinary" Vingan gives up her fertility on entering this sub-cult, only that under some circumstances, she never gets it back. That implies to me that she already gave it up. Yes, it's a hair-splitting implication, and other interpretations are possible.

RQ Vingans had the blessing of infertility granted by Ernalda, and tied to the "Camphire" (aka henna) used to dye their hair. It was, AFAIR, pointed out that this left them exactly as vulnerable as men to broo attack...

Current GaG appears to be somewhat fluid on the subject - those of us who knew Glorantha through RQ tend to take Vingan infertility for granted, those who came to it later don't.

We know of some major heroes who had Vingan (ex-Vingan?) mothers, so maybe that's evidence for something. That ex-Vingans can have kids, that if a Vingan has a kid it's a Big Deal, that having a Vingan mother is something to be proud of (after all, most people don't).

I'd guess that Ernalda (or some sub-cult thereof? One of the darker ones?) has access to contraceptive methods or magic. To what extent this is used, approved of, etc, in respect of ordinary non-Vingan women, is another question, and one that probably varies with time and place.

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