RE: Re: Heortling marriage

From: donald_at_...
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 13:17:26 GMT

In message <20050228072950.FYLT3971.aamta07-winn.mailhost.ntl.com_at_master> "Jane Williams" writes:
>> There's actually be a bit of competition for which clan the
>> couple live with. After all if the couple want the marriage
>> and the girl's clan is happy with it then they could opt for
>> an Esrolian marriage. While consent of both clans is
>> preferable only one is really needed.
>And if the man has some really useful skills, I can quite see the
>girl's clan trying to "get" him, somehow or other. Lots of intrigue
>possibilities there!

Really useful skills meaning those the clan happens to be short of. Particularly in smaller clans there are going to be only a single specialist in some occupations - so when old Jarstakos the brewer can no longer do the job and has no successor the clan will arrange a marriage to recruit one.

If this all sounds terribly mercenary, I suspect there will be lots of competition among the girls for this - they get to remain with their birth clan and the deal is likely to give them a good start to married life.

How often does this happen? Well if an "Orlanthi all" marriages involve the wife joining her husbands clan then about one in seven are the reverse - i.e. most clans will have several couples who've made that choice for whatever reason.

Donald Oddy

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