Re: Issaries, was Re: Other chieftan gods

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 11:05:58 +1300

Nils wrote:

>Was Issaries (well) known to the Orlanthi as a Storm
>Tribe member before Harmast assembled the LBQ?

He appears in the oldest Storm Tribe myths such as the First Ring and Orlanth's Ring. Given the archaic nature of these myths (in Orlanth's Ring, he is called the Translator), it seems clear to me that he had different functions in the Good Old Days rather than acted as a trader.

>This goes for Lhankor Mhy and Chalana Arroy as well.

Both Lhankor and Chalana appear in the First Ring myth but Chalana doesn't appear much in the old Vingkotling myths (apart from the Death of Barntar).

--Peter Metcalfe

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