Telmori kings

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 23:13:50 -0000

> > The Telmori do, I believe. His name is Kostajor Wolf-Champion. And
> > he's been around for a *very* long time.

> Is that the guy who's so old he met Sartar the king in person?

Could be, but I don't think it's stated as such.

He was at the battle of Dwarf Ford in 1565, rescued Jarosar who then became Prince of Sartar: he's listed as a warrior of the Telmori here. Then he was at Grizzly Peak, 1582, rescued Terasarin, who again became Prince of Sartar. 1607 he was stated as king of the Telmori, and had his wolf-brother killed. That's all KoS - I can't find any official documentation of what happened to him other than that.

> I wrote down Kostajor's name too, included him among my notes
> on the "24 tribes," yet BA does not specifically say he's got
> the title of king.
> If asked by one of my players, I would have said "grand high
> chieftain" or something.

Yes, that sounds about right. He probably isn't the king, but whoever is does exactly what Kostajor says :)

And of course I doubt very much if any Telmori "king" will conform to Orlanthi standards!

I believe "Home of the Bold" built up Goram Whitefang as a Telmori leader? Anyone know more about him, or to what extent he fits Officialdom there days?

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