Pamaltela Calendar?

From: illuminate33 <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_...>
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 09:47:47 -0000 <<Most Pamaltelans (with the exception of many coastal cities) use a four season period. Each season consists of 72 days (12 weeks with 6 days each). The extra six days, called Holy Week, resembles the Sacred
Time of the Theyalan calendar.>>

I can't recall about this calendar... Is it gregged? Or still in use but I forget about it...? Is it used by Doraddi? (Coastal Areas uses Theyalan Calendar I suppose.) If the latter is true, how are seasons called?

Malkioni Calendar can be found in Jamie's Site and it is same as Theyalan Calendar in partition of periods.

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