New Fulfillment House for Issaries.

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 08:39:34 +1000

Latest from the Issaries website:


New Fulfillment House for Issaries
Issaries, Inc. is pleased to announce that it now has a new fulfillment service with Impressions Advertising of Brentwood, California. Effective immediately, all wholesale orders for the entire Issaries line should go to: Aldo Ghiozzi
Impressions Advertising & Marketing
704 Thompsons Drive,
Brentwood, California 94513

This new agreement supercedes all fulfillment formerly performed by Steve Jackson Games.

Greg Stafford, president of Issaries, says, "We have been very happy with SJG, but they've changed their services to a fulfillment house, and so it is more advantageous to both companies for Issaries to remove itself from the previous wholesale distribution. It has been a pleasure to work with SJG, and they will continue to handle the online retail sales of all Issaries products through Warehouse 23."

Greg Stafford
Issaries, Inc.


Impression already handle sales for several dozen small games and miniature manufactureres. They have their own web site at



nysalor_at_... John Hughes


The halberd has fallen! The fewmets have hit the windmill! Sorhed's Nozdrul have gotten wind of our little dodge and are beating the bush for "four boggies, one with a pink tail." Doesn't take any abacus to figure out somebody's spilled the gruel. Get out of wherever you are fast, and don't lose the you-know-what. I'll try to meet you at Wingtip, if not, look me up in Riv'n'dell. in any case, don't take any oaken thrupences. And don't mind Stomper, he's a good egg, ut-bay ot-nay oo-tay ight-bray, if you know what I mean. Must close, left something on the Bunsen...

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