Re: Gloranthan Fiction (really)

From: Jennifer Geard <geard_at_...>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 16:26:46 +1200

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 00:59, Jane Williams wrote:
>From what I've heard in the past, Issaries has had no
> real intention of publishing fiction. [....] the impression
> I've been given is that they'd rather concentrate their
> finite resources on gaming material.
> Anyone know if this is likely to remain the case? And
> is anyone else interested in publishing (in the
> hard-copy sense) fiction? Short stories in fanzines,
> yes, mine seem to head that way, but the longer
> things?

I've been thinking about it a bit since you suggested it to me last year.

I'm taking some time thinking over the Fan Material Policy. Any halfway serious publication -- more than 800 items, and technically "for profit" -- of fiction set in a Gloranthan world would not be considered a Fan Publication but would come under a "Formal License of Professional Publications". There are questions then about whether Issaries actually has rights over Original Material, and what constitutes enough of a Gloranthan flavour to a work that Issaries can make a claim on it.

Have others tried reading the policy or talking to Issaries for this sort of information?

One of my concerns is that if Issaries doesn't publish fiction itself but wants to be able to pull the plug on publication or republication at any stage, that makes Gloranthan projects unattractive to other publishers.

It would be interesting to have someone run a test case to figure out how this would usually be managed. That said, I should probably contact Issaries and ask for a non-binding email opinion from an Issaries employee. :-) I'm currently trying to work out why I'm so reluctant to do this. It's probably because I'm only halfway serious about the idea: the sort of thing I'd consider for publication is a lot more culturally consistent and less of a bricolage than the freewheeling character backstory which isn't being subjected to my internal MA(Hons)-in-EngLit editor.

> Hint: you publish it, I'll buy it!

I could always make you a personalised volume...


Jennifer Geard

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