Re: West and sorcery

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 15:28:26 +0300 (EEST)

> >How long do you think it takes to learn sorcery? I'm not talking about
> >the odd player hero who decides to give it a go, but the cultural norm.

> --Peter Metcalfe
> Sorcery as opposed to Liturgy? I'd say a Harry Potterish seven years
> is the norm in the west but other paths are known (the Carmanians
> snatch their Magi from the cradle).

I was wondering about seven years myself, interestingly enough. That would propably get the student to the HQ beginning character 5w1 level, on the average.

> >I'm also wondering how widespread is literacy supposed to be in the
> >west.
> Townspeople are known to be able to read.

Thank you, that helps a lot.


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