Re: Lunar Bureaus in Sartar Cities

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 23:12:55 -0000

> 2) Boldhome King Temertain and Telmori
> Jeff Richard answered me this question, but how about their loyalty
> to the Puppet King? One of us remembered that telmori bodyguards
> were taken family as hostages by Lunars....Or are they truly
> faithful to Sartar's blood as old king Kostajor?

When I played Goram Whitefang, (to Nick's Temertain) in the first run of "Home Of The Bold" he was truly faithful, determined to guard the Prince, as his people had promised to do whether the prince wanted it or not (and I think it was generally "not" - Temertain being a little nervous around such dangerous types...). Sartar had made my people a promise, and if Temertain was Sartar's only descendant then it would fall to him to redeem it! It was only the arrival of a rebel leader claiming descent from the House of Sartar who promised to fulfill the deal that saw me join the rebellion...

>From the Lunar point of view, I guess the Telmori are useful in that
they are not worshippers of Orlanth, and are widely distrusted by the majority of Sartarites, so by allowing them to hold their traditional role as bodyguard, the Lunars show that (a) Temertain has some legitamacy and (b) they are not out to destroy every aspect of heortling life and custom, without placing a "confirmed" enemy in a position of power. They can also make convenient scapegoats (err scapewolves) should an accident (or "accident") befall the prince.

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