RE: Re: Friday Filk: Another Viking Classic

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 22:25:42 +0100

> Certainly not played by anyone *I* know, or any radio I've
> heard. I may have
> heard 'Fernando' two or three times in the last 15 years.
> Now the Beatles, or Elvis, or Buddy Holly, or Led Zepplin -
> that's enduring.
> RR (showing *my* age, or, 4 years older than Jane).

Oh? If this stuff is enduring, you could know it even if you were only 4. And I'm currently a bit over 20 by my counting system, so.... (come to think of it, time to change direction again this summer, or I'll end up too young to drive or drink.)

In fact, having followed those links John provided, I find I recognise about half the tune, and a few lines of the words. (Which, knowing my memory for these things, probably does mean having heard it two or three times in 15 years or so).

The second link is the better MIDI of the two. And I reckon John did a pretty good job of the new words.

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