Re: Re: Kings of Heortland

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 11:07:53 +1200

At 10:36 PM 6/5/2005 +0000, you wrote:

> > So we're going to be swapping the colourful and heroic Owain for
> > someone boring and colourless? This is a good idea how, exactly?
> > Come, on at least swap him for someone equally fun!
>Jane - this is a stylistic complaint that I have about a lot of
>fantasy writers. Writers tend to want to tie everything together,
>and give deep significance or heroic meaning to every historical

And what is wrong with having Owain die a colourful death?

>I think that tendency needs to be tempered with a little
>literary discipline.

Given that Owain's death occurs at the cusp of the outbreak of the Hero Wars in case you've forgotten, appeals to literary discipline are unwarranted.

>Without the Pharaoh, a normal event like the death of another
>nondescript Heortlending figurehead king becomes a major crisis and
>a trigger for the Hero Wars. What's wrong with that?

Because there's nothing to say that the kings of Heortland are nondescript figureheads and your argument that they are rests on nothing more than an argument from silence (which can be falsified for the case of the Emperors of Dara Happa). Colour is good.

--Peter Metcalfe

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