Re: Re: Larnsti Brotherhood

From: Stephen Tempest <e-g_at_...>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 18:09:36 +0100

donald_at_... writes:

>In message <20050604080047.LQTH24546.aamta10-winn.ispmail.ntl.com_at_homemaster> "Jane Williams" writes:

>>There's a rather neat little Seven Mothers talent/feat (common magic) called
>>"Read anything".
>I don't think most Lunar soldiers are initiates of 7M.

There's also the Seven Sisters Society common magic spell "Make Page Speak", which is found throughout the Lunar Provinces.

That would be ideal for the typical scenario of a crowd gathered round an official proclamation, while their more literate member reads it out to them all. With this spell, they could let the page itself do the talking.

I'm not sure how you use "Make Page Speak" as an augment-only magic, though...

>But the individuals who've learnt it will still be there, and if
>the rebellion have been using it for convenience that may well
>continue. [...]. Another possibility is that New Pelorian script is
>used to write Sartarite. Of course there may be a religious inspired
>backlash in Sartar against anything Lunar.

Isn't the New Pelorian script supposed to be a rediscovery of the primal Green Age method of writing? Which helps explain how the Lunars managed to co-opt so many different peoples and cultures into their Way: their language strikes a chord at some fundamental level of their listerners/readers' souls.

So the logical thing to do would be to use the script, but claim that you have an "earlier" and "more pure" version of it. (Backed up, perhaps, by Green Age heroquesting).

Perhaps the decrees on the walls of Argrath's Temples of the Reaching Storm will be written in the New Sartaran script, not New Pelorian...


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