Sub-cult specific units

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 11:21:50 +0100 (BST)

> > What is unusual is that Kallyr seems to have
> separated
> > out the Vingans from all the Kheldon clans,
> possibly some from
> > other tribes, into a single group with it's own
> leaders. The
> > logical conclusion would be to have separate
> groups of Uroxi,
> > Vangarthi, Yinkini etc but I don't think she's
> managed that.

Quite apart from being a very visible figure to follow herself, she's also got the advantage that Defender Fort, one of the biggest Vingan centres in Sartar, is in Kheldon lands. I'd guess that the Kheldon warband has a natural Vingan bias even without her influence.

I'm not sure to what extent some of those other subcults would work as separate units? Vingans, yes, they're "generalists", if you see what I mean. But Vanganthi? Flyers - skirmishers. Yes, by all means put them together, but without heavier support they're going to be vulnerable. And I think Kallyr would know how best to use Vanganthi - she was one for something like 7 years.

Yinkini I don't know enough about to comment - I've never seen the ones I've met as warriors anyway.

> Perhaps the precedent was in place as far back as
> 1613. Tonalang
> Greathelm in 1613 lead 1000 Uroxi berserks in the
> battle of
> Hofstarings Flood. That sounds like all (85%?) of
> the Sartar Uroxi.

It does. Now, why would one separate out Uroxi? Shock troops? Keep them away from other people so they don't kill their own side? I'd guess that Tonalang had the same advantage there that Kallyr has now - a very visible cult-specific leader who others will follow irrespective of clan?

Jane Williams                 

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