Ethilrist's men and total population

From: Norbert Franz <norbert.franz1_at_...>
Date: 15 Jun 2005 11:45 GMT

Hello folks,

what would say is the total (human) population of Black Horse County? I am trying to estimate this based on the figure in Hero Wars, saying Ethilrist has a maximum of 5500 "armed men" at his disposal.

If Black Horse County is primarily a mercenary colony, and run by a liturgist "upper class" that includes many monks, hermits, and full-scale clergy without family, I would reckon that this land includes more single men than the surrounding lands would. Yet, the vast portions of the Curelan and Ridderan castes will marry and have families. But how many people does that give me in total, on average?
How many children, women, and elderly people live in the County?

I'd estimate, without much further input, that the total current population of BHC would be at least equivalent to two of the larger Heortling tribes, making it a rather densely populated area.

So, how many people is that...? 25,000 people? 50,000?

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