RE: Re: heortling orlanthi initiation

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:40:21 +0100

> >Greg and I discussed this some years back and at the time the answer
> >was that women do not meet Heort or receive the secrets of the Star
> >Heart. Heortling women have very different initiation rites.
> I'd agree with this. Ernalda and Orlanth represent two
> complimentary but differing aspects of the Heortling Way.

"Report on the Orlanthi", from "King of Sartar": "In the old days, failure at a fierce wilderness initiation test resulted in the death of the youths who failed. Among modern Sartarites, with mixed gender rites and desanctified ceremony, failure results only in the expulsion and outlawry of the child. "

So some part of the rites at least is mixed gender. Though I wonder what was meant by "desanctified ceremony"?

And of course for now, anyone trying to game through initiation is probably going to send the whole group along Heort's Path. We don't have any other write-ups to go on (well, I wrote a female-only one once, but that was RQ-based), and in any case in F2F gaming it's a pain to split the group.

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