RE: Re: Winter Animist Practice or Tradition

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 02:21:22 -0400

On Tue, 2005-21-06 at 07:13 +0100, Jane Williams wrote:
> > But given that virtually every major natural phenomenon (the sun, the
> > winter, the dark, the mountain, the river) is going to have at least a
> > God and a Spirit associated with it,
> That, I think, may be going too far. In this case we know of a being treated
> as a god, and a being treated as a spirit, with a question as to whether
> they're the same. I doubt if that applies to *everything* else.
> Generalisations rarely work in Glorantha.

Really? Name one of the things I mentioned that doesn't have both a god and a spirit associated with it. While a *given* river or mountain might not, there are ones with each. The sun certainly has both. There are spirits for storms and winds, just as there are gods.

If it is basic enough to affect all people on a day to day level, then all peoples are going to have a myth for it. Since some are animist and some are theistic, you're going to find redundancy.

That's what I've noticed so far, anyway.

I do think that ESPECIALLY in this case, it is far better to just go with whatever works for the game in question. :)


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