Re: Beat-Pot Aelwrin's revolt

From: Labrygon_at_...
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 06:37:53 EDT

In a message dated 2/07/2005 4:30:02 AM AUS Eastern Standard Time, richaje_at_... writes:

> Think Wat
> Tyler's Rebellion (or Jack Cade's rebellion), the Flanders Peasants
> Revolt of 1323-1328, the great German Peasants War of 1525 or the
> Zanj Revolt of 863-883.

I'm surprised you didn't mention Spartacus, probably too obvious. I reckon you could re-run the clams and oysters scene (or whatever the exact seafood it was they were talking about) between Beat Pot and Jar Eel. Maybe Eel (ha ha! subtle pun on her name) and Potato could be being compared.

"Some men don't like peeling potatoes, other men prefer peeling Eels"

I guess the confusion at the end of the revolt when the iron chef needs some entrees for his menu and his followers are all volunteering "I'm starter course!"

On a tangent, I reckon Gloranthan potatoes should be called "pomme de lune" rather than pomme de terre.


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