RE: Re: 1 2 3 Testing

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 09:01:14 +0100


> Hereabouts,
> 95-100 is normal; 100+ exceptional but happens at least a
> couple weeks out of the year.

And having looked up what that means in real money (35-38) - move to somewhere habitable, then! Temperatures in excess of the human body are a BAD idea.

It's about 22 indoors in the shade here at the moment - pleasantish as long as you're not trying to do much. Outside it's starting to get Too Hot, and by the afternoon I'm expecting 27. At which point I will want to lie down in the shade with a fan and a cool drink. (What I'll actually be doing is watching a battle, dressed in full corset and crinoline, and supplying water to the participants, who will need it!).

I run my car climate control at about 19-20 ish. That's comfortable.

And like Mike (I think?) said - if you're cold, you can put more clothes on. If you're too hot...?


Dragon Pass summers, 20-24 or thereabouts? Yes, top end is hot if you're trying to do physical work, and in that culture, they will be. Peak at 35 is WAY too hot to do anything.

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